Monday 13 July 2009

Ode to India

In exactly six days time my life is going to change. In exactly six days time I will be lying in a tent, at altitude in the northern part of India thinking: what the fuck am I doing? And, actually, right now: I am thinking exactly the same thing.

At the time, when I was asked to do this, I thought: great sounds like just my thing. Where do I sign? Six days before hand, knowing I will now be away for four weeks, doing the hardest thing I've ever done and trying to egg a load of sixteen year olds to do it at the same time seems like a massive feat.

Main issues here:

-No straightners, make-up, high-heels, shopping, going out, pulling, general mucked up nights out with mates and most importantly: my bed.

What was I thinking? And yet, I still can't help but think that somewhere out there in the Himaleas is some kind of answer for me. Something, somewhere in that wilderness is going to speak to me and heal my soul. Ok, ok, cut the crap. But, I can't help thinking that I might get some kind of solace from four weeks of no alochol and the extras? Is my western party life bad for my soul? Is my brain working at 50% because of all of the toxins I take in daily? Will I be a happier and better person for detoxing and pushing myself to the limit?

Watch this space. Update on return. Who knows: I might be a completely different person!

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